Sunday, October 5, 2008

How apropos...

I found this beauty and it's web on the side of our house a few days ago. We've had a few rather large arachnids hanging around as of late, but this one was so stunningly gorgeous I had to go out and take some photos of it before the storm rolled around and destroyed her web.
Only wish she stuck around longer.
I don't mind co-habitating with insects/arachnids- on the inside or outside of the house, so long as they don't mess with my stuff...or kill me in my sleep. Love!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's show time...

Ah... October. Autumn is my favorite time of the year... it's chilly, gets dark early, Halloween. It's an overall good feeling that just gets my creative juices gushing, often to the point of where I over exert myself. In fact last year I became ill on Halloween because I was just trying too hard ( the anxiety of the events going on at the time didn't help either, and further drove my obsession). I'm not going to let that happen again, even if it means having to give up on my planned V. V. Argost costume. There's always next year.

That being said... It's highly likely I will be making some more "creative" posts here ( not just just musings or rants) if I'm not too busy.

I'm very much looking forward to the premier of the Secret Saturdays this Friday, October 3rd on Cartoon Network at 8. Anyone who has spoken to me on the subject matter can attest to this fact- even series creator Jay Stephens has noted my enthusiasm to be "contagious". Well I certainly hope it is, the series deserves it.

I've been busy with, in hopes to have it running in full very shortly, however just one of many distractions is the supposed Bakugan "Tournament" this coming Saturday at Toys R Us. I got sucked into the game in January and since then have collected around 70 or so of the cute little creature/ball things. I spent a good couple hours making teams of guys ( so I don't get my butt COMPLETELY whooped by little kids... seriously they're good.) and trying to make sense out of the new version of the rules so I can help out, since it's just being run by the store staff, and quite honestly... I already know thats' going to be a disaster. Last time they did this, I ended up staying the whole 4 hours to play and moderate games between the kids, it's fun.

Ah well.

Feel free to give the guy in this post a name. ;P

Friday, August 15, 2008

The obligatory Star Wars post

So... Star Wars: Clone Wars came out today. Yeah, I went to the midnight show... yeah, I saw it again later in the day. Yeah... it was pretty good for what it was. Then again, I'm a child-like sap who gets excited over little things and cries over teacher/ student relationships.
Sadly, there wasn't as big of a turnout as I had hoped (which makes me feel slightly better about not dressing up as Ventress like I did for Ep III), but at least the day showings had lots of younglings coming to the show. Entertaining kids is really what it's all about after all.
But seriously, what steams me is that the lack of people is most likely due to the film being animated and it makes me think... would the far superior 2D animated Clone Wars done by Genndy have generated a better or worse turnout? I don't really understand the excitement over CG anyway, let alone live action.

Speaking of turnouts, General Grievous was in the movie for a total of... 1 second within the opening narration. Leaves me to wonder why Hasbro's line manager would choose him for the first wave of Clone Wars figures over Ashoka Tano or Asajj Ventress. In any case, the droid army general earned his spot as my favorite Star Wars character ever since his debut in chapter 20 of the original series and is a rare example of a final product actually being cooler than the concept art.
I got bored waiting for my food at a restaurant after the movie and doodled him as seen above.

On the plus side, the theater played the new Secret Saturdays commercial before the movie and I nearly wet myself. Seriously, I am so psyched, I could have left the theater after that and it would have been worth my $8. October can't come fast enough.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

O Snap!

With a new blog, I figure I should start with a brand new creature. This fellow crawled out from from my brain today... Creature 073 AKA Snapok.

Actually, I invite you to name him or any of my monsters for that matter. I very recently started numbering my creations due to not being able to name them. Hrmm...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Spectre is back?

Well I guess so. I'm back on a personal blog... a shiny brand new one!
Spectre figures she needs a place to post more personal things that don't have to do with her fan sites. Most importantly of those things would probably be my artwork, and this should provide a quick and easy way to do such a thing. I tend to be a forgetful creature... but what do you expect in trying to do so many things at once.
So there is the reason for this, and here I am.

Now let's pry into that mind...